Monday, 17 May 2010
snow patrol - You could be happy
Snow Patrol is an Irish rock band that formed in 1994. The intro of this song makes me cry.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Nellie McKay - David
Nellie McKay is an English-born American singer-songwriter. The reason I know about her is because one day I saw this comment a guy left on Jason Marz's song Lucky on youtube. That comment were accusing Jason Mraz for ripping off Nellie's song David, which is the song I am sharing today, for his song Lucky. I have to say I am a HUGE fan of Jason and I simply could not believe that he would steal things from others so I tend to think whole thing is just a coincident, however, I also could not deny that I do think both songs share lots of similarities. I am going to post both songs, and you can tell me if you think this is more like a coincident or a rip-off.
By the way, i really like the doctor who music video,LOL
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Hooverphonic - Tomorrow
Hooverphonic, a Belgian trip hop group that formed in 1995. They are one of the earliest bands that their music style is categorized as Trip Hop, therefore it makes them become the one of the icons of trip hop music just like the other band Massive Attack. The song that I am introducing today, Tomorrow, is a song from their double-disks album (No)More Sweet Music in 2005. The interesting thing about this double-disks album is each disk contains a different version of a same list of songs, the first disk is grander, which uses more classical instruments, whereas the second one is darker and uses more computer generated sounds for the songs. The video that shown below is a live version of the grander version, enjoy~
PS, the vocalist in this video had left the band since 2008
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Still Sia, Sia - Lentil
This album of her is just amazing, let me show you an other song in the album.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Sia - Academia
Sia Furler, aka Sia, is an Australian Singer-Songwriter. She has her own solo career but she is also a consist vocal provider for the famous UK downtempo music group Zero 7 . Its very hard to characterize Sia's music genre since it has a bit of everything (isn't it what the trend in music industry is right now) like jazz, trip hop, soul, rock...etc. The song I am introducing today, Academia, is from her forth solo album Some People Have real Problems, enjoy~
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Duffy - Smoke Without Fire
Just watched An Education. When the movie ended this song started to play. I can't believe my ears and I was like "What? How come I've heard this song of Duffy!? This song is amazing!" Then I realize Duffy just recorded this song for the movie sound track, which is not surprising at all since the movie is made by BBC and Duffy is the new official diva of England now.
Duffy is an English singer-songwriter who was born in 1984. She is famous for having very fine black voice, which is what Amy Winehouse sort of famous for as well. The rise of Duffy was after the several embarrassments of Amy Winehouse caused in 2007, a year that Amy was really famous and fucked up. Therefore when Duffy appeared, there were lots of rumors about it was because UMG worried Amy would die every minutes so they wanted Duffy to take over her career. To be honest, I found it very unfair when people compare this two like that because their voice and music style has lots of fundamental differences. I like both of them and I would probably write a lot more about them later, so please stay tooned! now please turn anything that would make noise off and listen to his beautiful song.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
Adam Lambert, an runner up of the 8th-season of American idol, the first openly gay American mainstream pop singer and the first guy who gives a gay kiss on the stage at a major American music award show. I finally have a chance to finish the whole album recently and I like it a lot. Honestly I don't listen to this kind of Rock n Roll music a lot but this guy really amazes me. The only song that I have heard before I listen to the whole album is For Your Entertainment, which sounds just like an other mass-produced pop songs, Therefore I didn't really have much expectation in the album. However, after listening to the whole album, Although the arrangements of the songs are somewhat generic, I found his voice so enchanting that makes me play those songs again and again. There is so much power in his voice and I just love it. I would love to see how long this power would last since most of the singers can only keep this kind of power in their first album, I will wait and see, Adam
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Raised by Swans - Violet Light
Just watched Chloe today, so I have to talk about this band, Raised by Swan. To be very honest, Although I've lived in Canada for years, I really don't know much about Canadian bands and musicians, I know thats a shame, but I guess most of the Canadian musics are just not my cup of tea.
The movie is just okay, not like amazing, Amanda Seyfried is stunning tho. One interesting thing about this film is the film is actually like a promotional film for the city of Toronto. The film was shot in downtown toronto and it shows tons of landmarks of Toronto and I have to say Toronto has never been this pretty before in the history of movie. The film even shows the real names of the restaurants that the characters go, which is rather strange for a movie to do. Therefore, it makes so much sense that the movie chose a Canadian band for the theme song. The one they chose was Violet Light by Raised by Swan and I absolutely love it. Check out their other songs too, they are amazing.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Joanna Newsom - Peach, Plum, Pear
Joanna Newsom is an American harpist, pianist, singer-songwriter. The first time I listened to this song, the song was performed by Owen Pallett, aka Final Fantasy. At the time I didn't know it was a cover song and Owen Pallett's version of the song is just lovely. Later on I realized this song actually has an original version and the singer is called Joanna Newsom, who wrote the song as well. However, I wasn't sure if I like it when I first played her version because she sang with a very special, weird voice. A voice of an old hag and an insolent child. However, after watching her live performance on youtube, I changed my view of her. Her unique voice does suit the song very well and I started to like it more and more.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Lali Puna - Together in Electric Dreams
lets have somthing mellow today. :)
Lali Puna is electronica band that base in Germany. When I first heard of this song I've decided I got to get the whole album. I really really love this song and other Lali Puna's musics. I usually found it very hard to communicate with electro musics but I found this Puna's musics are very easy to be sunk into.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Milow - Ayo Technology
Jonathan Vandenbroeck, aka Milow, is a Belgium singer who is active within European counties since 2004. The most recognizable song of his is probably the cover song of 50 cent's Ayo Technology. the song was played over 33,000,000 times on youtube.
Sohodolls - Bang Bang Bang Bang
Friday, 23 April 2010
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner
Tom's Diner probably is one of the most important and successful song in Suzanne Vega's music career. The version that we usually hear is probably the one that features the English dance pop group DNA, however, her song was originally recorded in a cappella style in 1981 (because she didn't know how to play piano at the time). The song in the following video is a version that edited by a youtuber who merge the Vage's a cappella style of the song with his own piano. Pretty interesting.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
The Hoosiers

I believe people from the UK will be more familiar to this band. Hoosiers is a band from UK and Sewden and consists of the Vocalist Irwin Sparkes and Guitarist Martin Skarendahl and Alphonso Alan Sharland who plays the drum. The thing that impresses me the most in their music is Irwin Sparkes's vocal, crazy but powerful. It really bothers me when singers, especially rock band singers, try to reach the high notes with their crackly voice (well, what Tom Wait does is an other story). Lots of the sings in their album "the trick to life" have very high notes and when Sparkes sang it, he sang it shape.
Here's the sing I love the most in their album, "Killer"
Friday, 29 January 2010
Sophie Milman - Rocket love

The song I am introducing today is "Rocket Love", one of my favorite song of all time. hope you would enjoy it.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Roar!!!! Patrick Wolf!!!

Patrick Wolf is a English 26 years old singer-song writer. His music is one of those hard-to-categorize music that inspired by a very broad variety of music genre, so I am not trying to categorize him here. But what I can tell you is most of his music are very sorrow and emontional yet very powerful (you really can tell he is the emotional kind from his hair style~LOL), especially in his vocal. The lyrics in his songs are usually very edgy but not pretentious. The song I am introducing today is the song that made me to buy the hard copy of this album, its called "Hard Times"
Dickson's music Channel
I always have a feeling that Sunday should be quiet and artistic.
I usually don't like talk about music is not only because I think I am not knowledgeable enough to talk about it but also I am a very outdated person in terms of meeting new music and very bad at keeping up the music trend. I always notice famous songs that after they got very popular for a long period of time.
I like most kind of music as long as its not too creepy (oh, I've listened to some weird voodoo witch music, its just terrifying!). I love Pop, Jazz, Hip hop, classical, Rnb, Trip hop, Techno, house, Dance...etc I am just not a big fun of metal stuff (but I love Dragon Force!).
But anyway, I still think it will be great to share the music that I like in this blog. I will try introducing one song and artist one at a time. They might be one that you are or ain’t familiar with. I would also like to explore different kinds of new music with you guys too. you guys are welcome to show me music that you like! send me songs by email and I will listen to it and talk about it here.
Lets swimming in the sea of music together!
Well, the first one, I decided to introduce the one I really like, I am sure most of the people are no stranger to his name, he is definitely one of the most talented singer out there, he name is Rufus Wainwright.
Rufus Wainwright is an openly gay singer-song writer, son of the singer-song writer Loudon Wainwright III and was born in New York then lived to Montreal, Canada for most of this childhood with his mother. His sister is Martha Wainwright, a singer-song writer as well. He started his music career in Canada then US. However, his music receives much better critics and review in European countries then in US, which I personally think its strongly due to his music style, which is heavily influenced by classical, opera, folk and new age music. The song “Going to a Town”, in this latest album “Release the stars”, expressed exactly how he is tired of America culture.
However, Instead of “Going to Town”, the song I want to introduce today is “Memphis Skyline”,

He've never lost a key in his live performance .
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